I never thought I would ever get here. It’s been a little scary, but also exciting at the thought of taking the blogging leap. At the end of the day, I felt it was the perfect way to document our everyday lives and at the same time to create a space where I can connect with other like-minded moms.
Ideally my goal here is to inspire and to see the whimsical and fun side to the everyday and mundane mom life. I personally love to see something that makes my heart skip a beat or makes me forget the 513 things that went wrong that day. I love when I see women realizing their dreams and potential. I love when I see these women teaching their children to do the same. And I hope I can do the same.
If you already follow me on Instagram, that’s really where all this started from. I wanted a better way to address comments and messages that people were leaving behind. These feedback ranged from how I got my two girls to nap together to how I edit my photos to where I get all of Dannica’s outfits and inspirations from (speaking of, does anyone else envy their daughter’s closet?!) With that being said, please leave a comment if you’d like me to post about a particular topic! If not, I’ll just continue onward with more baby spam 😉
This blog is truly amazing! I love all your pictures, and the mini essays that contain so much of your personal voice make the stories come to life! I’m sure tons of people have asked many miscellaneous questions that are hard to categorize, but maybe you can have a Q&A blog post every 2-3 months or so to address some of the most frequently asked questions?! And maybe have raffles and giveaway events when your instagram followers tag their fellow mommy friends? Helps increase visibility for you and the companies that sell the products you’re giving away!